
Ode To The Highest – Poem by EZEKIEL MAU

At first, I go numb.
Dare I ponder the SUN
Whose paths are far fetched
And can never to a sum bring
The beauties of his bliss

Dwelling in a city, were the fairest shadow is exilled.
Surrounded by incomparable frangrance of glory
In whose hands, dwell the pow’r of demise

Fearest thou (he) who can only but destroy the prison?
What then will thou, to (HE) that can ‘firesquad’ the prisoner
After with firery terrored eyes hath renteth the prison to debris?

Deus absconditus te deus revelatus(greciotalia speak):
Unimagineable but yet, brims to outpouring the lacuna that should through time be.

Spans from the untold to the untold.
Dressed in purple, for till the immortal’s gaining of eternity

I myself be quaking on my sole
For t’is impossicant to render this mistery
‘Spanning from the untold to the untold’

He is more fool than I,
Who thinks this odest for the highest.


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