
The Bottle Is No Cure – Poem by EZEKIEL MAU

Feelings of hawking the world
Stealing my very breath along
Pray the heaven I meet a saviour
Whom my dilemma should buy off this log

The product of sand and limestone,
they say can do a trick
Say it makes u feel free from
the prick

A friend even said ‘As more hand-shakes you lift her with,
the more FREEIER you float’
Can this a truth be?

Why lie I then in this low sands of pain? !
Why let I my troubles heave on me a stain? !
It spans not as THE UNTOLD
Yet I let me die in shivers

(A huge sigh of relief proceeds) :

I gather the remains of my battered chest
With one hand on my brain as though I had a darted head
And lead my dooms way to the home of the fairy cell

Afar off I hear similar being Cheer with tumblers up
Then I claim a reassurance to
Join in the victors song
Hope it placate’s my malady

Not too long my echo Is distant
Moment ago a stranger now I give stance
Brrrrosh aabeg k…ark! here, shark forget ya sOoorow o, abi you Nah yeeear say Orbi-J win fines girl for……. dis wild world?

The air is awakened by my stupidity
Stupidity that stands out
Who cares, your dentals won’t win me a paste

I dive yet deeper in the pool that’s depthless
Hoping to find enough quantum to revert my sentence
And then for the first time in a mile-ling
I discover that I am not swimming but drowning

How my pains grew aworse! ! !
Consciousness had just deluded me
But t’was rather too late to learn that THE BOTTLE IS NO CURE

Some People With Real Supernatural Powers (with pictures)

Real life people with unbelievable superpowers – The human body is capable of incredible things. We often hear the phrase “we’re only human” when something wrong happens and we want to be forgiven for our shortcomings, but what happens when human beings head to the other end of that spectrum? What happens when the human body bypasses its barriers and breaks the laws of science that hold it down?

That’s when we get people who are gifted with extraordinary abilities. These superhumans live among us, usually in the most average of conditions, but are capable of feats that set them apart from the rest of humankind. The things they are able to accomplish, either mentally or physically, are proof that the human body is more powerful that we can ever imagine. Are their enhanced abilities indicators of an evolutionary process, or are they just one-off anomalies? The concept is fascinating to think about, and while we’ll never know the answer anytime soon, watching these people do what they do is amazing all the same. They may not have comic books like Superman or the X-Men, and they may not be saving the world from supervillains (yet), but they’re amazing nonetheless and deserve to be recognized for their unique superhuman qualities.

5. The Magnet Man – Liew Thow Lin

I’m trying my best to refrain from calling this guy Magneto. Liew Thow Lin, famously known as “Mr. Magnet” or “The Magnet Man”, has the unique ability of sticking metal objects to his body. The objects, weighing up to 2kg each, with a maximum of 36kg in total, seem to stick on Thow Lin’s body as though held there by a magnetic force from inside him. Thow Lin has performed this amazing feat for charity many times and has gained popularity as some kind of superhuman among the locals. The explanation though, has nothing to do with magnetic fields. Scientists from the University of Technology in Thow Lin’s homeland of Malaysia have concluded that his skin exhibits very high levels of friction, allowing the objects to stick as though held there by a magnetic field. What’s more bizarre is that the trait is genetic, as seen in Thow Lin’s three grandchildren!

4. Superhuman Memory – Daniel Temmat

We’ve seen prodigious savants display incredible mental prowess. They’re often able to solve complex mathematical equations faster than some calculators and are able to recall events that occurred a decade ago as though it were happening in real time. Daniel Tammet, however, is the first person who is actually able to describe what goes on in his mind.
According to Daniel, every whole number up to 10,000 has its own unique characteristics, such as texture, shape, color, and feel. For instance, his mental image of the number 289 is apparently very ugly, whereas the number 333 is attractive, and pi is particularly beautiful. This is how Daniel Tammet, who was diagnosed with Asperger syndrome when he was 25, is able to recall events and numbers with such extreme clarity. To prove this, he recited Pi up to 22,514 digits in five hours and nine minutes in 2004.

3. Eagle Vision – Veronica Seider

We’ve seen characters in movies display feats of “super vision”, often seeing people and objects approaching from a mile away. It’s how archers like Hawkeye and Legolas are able to aim their arrows with such accuracy. But what if I told you a real person has that same incredible ability? Meet Veronica Seider, the world record holder for the ability to see the tiniest object at the farthest distance without the use of binoculars or any other form of technology. To put that into perspective, she was able to identify people who were standing more than a mile away! Or, 1.6km to be exact. That’s basically 20x better than the average person… or what we like to call “Eagle vision”.

2. Sonar Vision – Daniel Kish

And Ben Underwood You know how Daredevil is able to “see” and gauge his surroundings even though he’s technically blind? Like a bat, he’s able to see shapes and objects as sound bounces off them, giving him sonar vision. Daniel Kish and Ben Underwood both possess the same ability, and are able to use echolocation to such a degree that they’re able to “see” using sound even though they’ve both been blind since childhood. Both Daniel Kish and Ben Underwood had their eyes removed early on in life due to cancer. But in a strange turn of events, their sense of sound seemed to have been dialed up to 11. Using a series of clicking noises with their tongue, both Daniel and Ben are able to use echolocation, an ability used by bats and whales, to lead normal lives. In fact, Daniel Kish is so good at it that he’s often hired by other blind people to assist them in getting around. Sadly, Ben Underwood passed away in 2009 due to a reemergence of the same cancer that cost him his eyes, leaving Daniel Kish as the only known human being in the world who has the ability to use echolocation.

1. The Animal Whisperer – Kevin Richardson

You’ve seen Cesar Milan the dog whisperer, but in all due respect, Kevin Richardson is on a whole other level. Kevin is a South African animal behaviorist who has been accepted into several prides of lions and hyena clans. He basically eats, sleeps, and plays with these animals as if they were his family. Kevin strongly believes in intuition when dealing with these wild animals, instead of basing his actions on rule books. He is known for treating the lions and other animals as sentient beings, often showing them respect and nurturing a sense of family instead of imposing dominance unto them.

But, Kevin warns that the job does have its dangers and advises people not to follow in his footsteps without the proper training and guidance. Much like Chris Pratt’s character imprinting on the newborn Velociraptors in Jurassic World, Kevin Richardson is only social with animals that were with him since they were very young. And even then, he has been scratched, punctured, and injured while handling the animals, although never in a malicious way.

By :info


Ode To The Highest – Poem by EZEKIEL MAU

At first, I go numb.
Dare I ponder the SUN
Whose paths are far fetched
And can never to a sum bring
The beauties of his bliss

Dwelling in a city, were the fairest shadow is exilled.
Surrounded by incomparable frangrance of glory
In whose hands, dwell the pow’r of demise

Fearest thou (he) who can only but destroy the prison?
What then will thou, to (HE) that can ‘firesquad’ the prisoner
After with firery terrored eyes hath renteth the prison to debris?

Deus absconditus te deus revelatus(greciotalia speak):
Unimagineable but yet, brims to outpouring the lacuna that should through time be.

Spans from the untold to the untold.
Dressed in purple, for till the immortal’s gaining of eternity

I myself be quaking on my sole
For t’is impossicant to render this mistery
‘Spanning from the untold to the untold’

He is more fool than I,
Who thinks this odest for the highest.

Be yourself

To be true to yourself means to act in accordance with who you are and what you believe.
If you know and love yourself you will find it effortless to be true to yourself.

Just as you cannot love anyone else until you love yourself, you cannot be true to anyone else until you are true to yourself.  Begin by not being afraid to be who you are! 

As difficult as it may seem at first, have the courage to accept yourself as you really are, not as as someone else thinks you should be. Do not take action or pretend to be someone else for the sake of gaining acceptance.

Many young people believe that when they do things to please their peers, such as drink when they shouldn’t, or behave and party in inappropriate ways, they will be popular and liked. They go against the advice of their parents or their own common sense only to find themselves in trouble and not accomplishing what they set out to do.

When you do things that are not genuine or a reflection of the real you, you will not be happy with yourself and will end up confused. You’ll be confused because you won’t know whom to please, or how.

Self-respect comes from being true to who you really are and from acting in accordance with your fundamental nature.

When you respect yourself, others will respect you. They will sense that you are strong and capable of standing up for yourself and your beliefs.

When you are true to yourself, you allow your individuality and uniqueness to shine through. You respect the opinions of others but do not conform to stereotypes or their expectations of you.

To be true to yourself takes courage. It requires you to be introspective, sincere, open-minded and fair. It does not mean that you are inconsiderate or disrespectful of others. It means that you will not let others define you or make decisions for you that you should make for yourself. 

Be true to the very best that is in you and live your life consistent with your highest values and aspirations. Those who are most successful in life have dared to creatively express themselves and in turn, broaden the experiences and perspectives of everyone else.

By Z Hereford

Spy chief adds to warnings of Russian cyber attacks on Germany

Germany’s spy chief warned that Russian hackers may target next year’s German election with campaigns of misinformation that could undermine the democratic process, echoing concerns voiced by the country’s domestic intelligence director.

United States (US) intelligence officials warned in the run-up to the Nov 8 presidential election won by populist outsider Donald Trump of efforts to manipulate the vote that they believed was backed by Russian authorities. Russian officials denied any such effort.

In an interview published on Tuesday in the Sueddeutsche Zeitung, Bruno Kahl, the new head of Germany’s BND foreign intelligence service, said there were indications that Russia may be behind the interference.

“We have evidence that cyber attacks are taking place that have no other purpose than triggering political uncertainty,” he said. “The perpetrators are interested in delegitimising the democratic process as such, no matter who that subsequently helps.”

The head of Germany’s domestic BfV intelligence agency told Reuters earlier in November that authorities were concerned that Russia may seek to interfere in Germany’s national elections through the use of misleading news stories.

Chancellor Angela Merkel has also warned that social bots ─ software programs to sway opinion on influential social media sites by spreading fake news ─ might manipulate the voting.

She faces a growing challenge from the anti-immigrant, populist AfD party, which has said the European Union should drop sanctions imposed on Russia and that Berlin should take a more balanced position towards Moscow.

Some critics say a proliferation of fake news helped sway the US election in the favor of the Republican Trump, who has pledged to improve relations with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Defeated Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton accused Trump of being a Putin “puppet”.

Kahl said Germany among other countries in Europe was a particular target of misinformation campaigns.

“A kind of pressure is being exercised on public discourse and democracy here which is unacceptable,” he said.

While intelligence agencies used to focus on countries, today the challenges and the threats are more varied and the actors more diverse, Kahl added.

Deutsche Telekom has blamed disruptions experienced by hundreds of thousands of its customers on Monday on a failed hacking attempt to hijack consumer router devices for the purpose of a wider Internet attack.

Credit : Dawn

Ohio State University attacker a Muslim student angry at US ‘interference’

Abdul Razak Artan, a third-year student in logistics management, sits on the Oval in an August 2016 photo provided by The Lantern, student newspaper of Ohio State University in Columbus, Ohio, US on Nov 28.— Reuters

A university student whose family immigrated from Somalia rammed his car Monday into a crowd at Ohio State University and attacked them with a butcher knife, injuring 11 before police fatally shot him.

Identifying the assailant as Abdul Razak Ali Artan, officials in the northern US state said he appeared to have acted alone in what was being investigated as a possible terror attack.

He also appears to have made an anti-US posting on Facebook minutes before the attack, on a page that was quickly disabled or taken down by authorities, US media said.

A car which police say was used by an attacker to plow into a group of students is seen outside Watts Hall on OSU campus.— Reuters
“I can’t take it any more. America! Stop interfering with other countries, especially the Muslim Ummah. We are not weak. We are not weak, remember that,” the post quoted by ABC television said, using a term referring to the global community of Muslims.

“If you want us Muslims to stop carrying lone wolf attacks, then make peace,” the post reads. “We will not let you sleep unless you give peace to the Muslims.”

Artan also referred to Anwar al-Awlaki, a US-born Al Qaeda cleric, as a hero in the posting.

His shocking attack lasted just a few minutes — from the car careening into the crowd until the suspect was shot dead — but triggered a tense lockdown on the university’s main campus in Columbus, with panicked students hiding in bathrooms before the scene was declared secure.

Officials said 11 people were being treated at local hospitals for stabbing wounds and injuries from the motor vehicle. None of their injuries were life-threatening.

Columbus police chief Kim Jacobs said earlier in the day they were considering the “possibility” that it was terrorism related.

US media reported that Artan was of Somali descent, though officials did not confirm that information. They did not release his exact age, saying only that they believed he was born in 1998.

An OSU student of the same name also was profiled in the August issue of student newspaper The Lantern, for an article in which he spoke of the lack of Muslim prayer rooms on campus.

Artan, who was identified as a third-year transfer student studying logistics management, told the paper he was uncomfortable with praying on campus.

“If people look at me, a Muslim praying, I don’t know what they’re going to think, what’s going to happen,” he said.

The rampage comes two months after a Somali immigrant stabbed 10 people at a mall in Minnesota, before he was fatally shot by an off-duty police officer.

The Minnesota assailant, 20-year-old Dahir Ahmed Adan, was described as “radicalised” and the militant Islamic State (IS) group claimed the attack as the work of an IS “soldier”.

A tense lockdown
Monday’s attack unfolded just before 10:00am, when police were alerted that a car had struck pedestrians on campus, and that the driver had jumped out wielding a large knife.

“We could tell that the suspect was in the car by himself,” said Craig Stone, chief of police at the university, describing a review of surveillance camera footage of his grey sedan.

A fire alarm, which investigators believed to be unrelated, had caused students and staff to evacuate a building prior to the attack.

The attacker “exited the vehicle, and used a butcher knife to start cutting pedestrians”, Stone said.

“Our officer was on scene in less than a minute and he ended the situation in less than a minute. He engaged the suspect, and he eliminated the threat.”

After the suspect was shot dead by the responding officer, identified as 28-year-old Alan Harujko, university officials sent out a campus-wide alert to initiate a lockdown due to a possible active shooting incident.

SWAT teams fanned out across the facility and an FBI team was also on the scene, searching buildings for any additional suspects.

Screams and running
It took nearly two hours before officials lifted the lockdown, and shocked students and staff began streaming out of buildings. The university cancelled classes for the rest of the day.

“I was right there,” student Joseph Noll told Columbus television station WBNS. “I just heard some screams, and I saw people running.”

Cydney Ireland told ABC she was walking out of class when she also heard screams.

“Everybody was running in any direction they possibly could, students were running out of the classroom building,” she said from her hiding spot in a locked bathroom.

Ohio State has roughly 60,000 students on the main campus in Columbus, which sprawls across more than 1,900 acres.

A number of vigils and gatherings were planned, as university officials offered student and staff counseling.

“Days such as these test our spirit,” university president Michael Drake said in a note to students and staff, “But together we remain unified in the face of adversity.”

“I encourage anyone in our community in need of assistance to utilize the university’s resources.”

Classes are scheduled to resume Tuesday.

“Our hearts go out to the families of those affected in Ohio — a tragic attack. Our prayers are with them,” said vice president-elect Mike Pence in New York.

“While we do not yet have confirmation of terrorist connections, this is the type of indiscriminate violence our enemies are urging their followers to use against us,” House Homeland Security Committee Chairman Michael McCaul said in a statement.

“Whatever the case, we will continue to monitor the investigation to ensure any potential accomplices or instigators are found and brought to justice.”

By Dawn

Scientists record worst ever coral die-off on Australia’s Great Barrier Reef

“The coral is essentially cooked,” professor Andrew Baird, a researcher at James Cook University who was part of the reef surveys, told Reuters by telephone from Townsville in Australia’s tropical north.

He said the die-off was “almost certainly” the largest ever recorded anywhere because of the size of the Barrier Reef, which at 348,000 sq km (134,400 sq miles) is the biggest coral reef in the world.

Supplied image of dead table corals killed by bleaching on Zenith Reef, on the northern Great Barrier Reef in Australia. — Reuters
Bleaching occurs when the water is too warm, forcing coral to expel living algae and causing it to calcify and turn white. Mildly bleached coral can recover if the temperature drops and the survey found this occurred in southern parts of the reef, where coral mortality was much lower.

While bleaching occurs naturally, scientists are concerned that rising sea temperatures caused by global warming magnifies the damage, leaving sensitive underwater ecosystems unable to recover.

Unesco’s World Heritage Committee stopped short of placing the Great Barrier Reef on an “in danger” list last May but asked the Australian government for an update on its progress in safeguarding the reef.

Supplied image of a scientist assessing coral mortality on Zenith Reef on the Great Barrier Reef in Australia. — Reuters
Australia will lodge that update on Friday, said a spokesman for Environment Minister Josh Frydenberg. In June, during an election campaign, Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull promised A$1 billion in spending to protect the reef.

Climate scientists argue that increased carbon dioxide in the atmosphere traps heat radiating from earth, creating global warming. Australia is one of the largest carbon emitters per capita because of its reliance on coal-fired power plants for electricity.

Supplied image of researcher Grace Frank completing bleaching surveys along a transect line on an area known as One Tree Reef, in the Capricorn Group of Islands, on the Great Barrier Reef in Australia. — Reuters
“Climate change is killing the Great Barrier Reef,” said environmentalist Charlie Wood, director of 350.org, an anti-fossil fuels movement.

“The continued mining and burning of coal, oil and gas is irreparably damaging the climate. If we want our kids to enjoy the Great Barrier Reef for generations to come, we must act now to keep fossil fuels in the ground,” Wood said in an emailed statement.

Oliver Lanyon, senior ranger in the Great Barrier Reef region for the Queenlsand Parks and Wildlife Service, takes photographs and notes during an inspection of the reef’s condition in an area called the “Coral Gardens” located at Lady Elliot Island. — Reuters

By Dawn

UN Sees ‘Unparalleled’ Suffering in Africa’s Lake Chad Area

The United Nations warns that conditions in Central Africa’s Lake Chad basin are threatening the lives of hundreds of thousands of people, among them many children. Food is short throughout the region, which has been ravaged by the Boko Haram insurgency.

Millions of people living in the basin are in the grip of an ever-deepening humanitarian crisis brought on by violent conflict, abject poverty and climate change.

More than 20 million people live in areas around the lake in four countries — Cameroon, Chad, Niger and Nigeria. The United Nations says nearly half of them are in need of emergency aid.

Toby Lanzer, U.N. assistant secretary-general and regional humanitarian coordinator of the Sahel, said an estimated 6.5 million people in the region are food insecure — barely surviving on one meal a day.

He said the ever-growing number of severely malnourished children is of particular concern. Across Lake Chad, he notes, there are 568,000 severely malnourished children, the bulk of them in northeast Nigeria.

“We know that in the next 12 months, 75 [thousand] maybe as many as 80,000 children will die in the northeast of Nigeria unless we can reach them with very specialized therapeutic food.”

FILE – Chadians who fled the Lake Chad shore village of N’Gouboua stand in their makeshift camp 20 kms (14 miles) from N’Gouboua, Chad, March 5, 2015.

Lanzer told VOA the violence perpetrated by Boko Haram militants in northeast Nigeria and in the region is the single biggest factor in creating this emergency.

“People were displaced, forced from their land. They could no longer tend to their livestock. This has really paralyzed things for the population across the region,” he told VOA. “Trade itself was stopped because of the security operation to counter Boko Haram … I’ve worked in many crises settings, [and] the scale and the depth of suffering that I have seen is unparalleled in my experience.”

Lanzer said U.N. operations in the Lake Chad basin are in a deep financial hole and the international community must come up with the money to support humanitarian activities.

He said U.N. agencies are seeking $739 million to deal with the crisis. But the response has been tepid with only $197 million — less than one third of the total needs — has been raised.


Escaped Chibok Girls Overcome Doubts, Jealousy to Attend University

When a colleague asked Margee Ensign to help her sister who had been snatched by Boko Haram from her school dormitory in Chibok and escaped, the president of the American University of Nigeria could not refuse.

Ensign decided to offer scholarships to girls who managed to flee the Islamist militant group after it abducted more than 270 of their classmates in April 2014, its most high-profile assault in a seven-year insurgency to create an Islamic caliphate.

Of the 57 girls who escaped after the night-time raid in northeastern Nigeria, 24 accepted the university’s offer.

But not everyone celebrated their return to education in Yola, the capital of a state neighboring Borno where they were seized.

“People [in Chibok] told us that we are stupid for sending our children to school again after what happened,” said the father of one girl who took a scholarship at the university in a video recording of her first day there.

Scarred by his daughter’s ordeal, he was one of many parents who stayed with their children in the dormitories during the first few weeks.

Boko Haram has abducted hundreds of men, women and children, killed thousands and displaced more than 2 million people during its insurgency.

But it was the kidnapping of the Chibok girls which prompted outrage worldwide and spurred a campaign, #bringbackourgirls, backed by celebrities and U.S. first lady Michelle Obama.

The Islamist militants released 21 of the girls last month after the Red Cross and the Swiss government brokered a deal with the group, but some 200 remain missing.

Fears and doubts

Ensign, an American academic who has previously worked as an adviser to the governments of Uganda and Rwanda, said the Chibok girls arrived on campus in August 2014, most of them nervous and doubtful about resuming their education.

“We took them to the market place and they were very frightened,” said Ensign, recalling accompanying the girls on a shopping trip with the school bus. “They didn’t want to be out [of the bus] on their own … so we took in a few at a time.”

While the girls gradually settled into life at the university — sticking together for comfort and support, and using laptops and phones to stay in touch with their families — starting classes was a challenge for many of the new arrivals.

“When I first came here, I was shocked,” said 18-year-old Glory.

“I said: ‘Is this Nigeria?’ I didn’t think I would make it because of my Chibok background,” she told the Thomson Reuters Foundation by Skype.

The teenager, who along with 56 classmates jumped off a truck used by Boko Haram fighters to spirit them away, is now pursuing her dream of studying medicine.

“I want to be a medical doctor to help my community in Chibok … we don’t have well qualified doctors,” Glory said.

Yet many of the Chibok girls could not read or write fluently when they arrived at the university, said its staff.

“It was like they had special needs,” Ensign said.

One of the 21 Chibok school girls recently released by Boko Haram carries her baby during their visit to meet President Muhammadu Buhari In Abuja, Nigeria October 19, 2016.
“Past is in the past”

To accommodate their varying academic abilities, the university devised a special program for the girls — rather than just sending them to its affiliated secondary school — and split them into beginner, intermediate and advanced classes.

Called the “New Foundation School,” the girls are tested frequently in the hope of getting them ready to move up to the university. But they are also awarded regularly for public speaking, sports and other extracurricular activities.

“We didn’t want to call them Chibok girls anymore,” said Reginald Braggs, assistant dean of student affairs at the university. “We made up this new name … letting the girls know that whatever they have done in the past is the past.”

Girls have own dormitory

The girls have their own dormitory and a floor to themselves, but have bonded with the rest of the students.

“Nobody treats us funny,” said 19-year-old Martha, who in September moved from the NFS to the university to study a degree in natural environmental sciences. “I have many friends.”

But events like the deaths of family members to Boko Haram attacks and the anniversary of their abduction disrupt the girls’ school lives and reopen old wounds, according to Ensign.

“The first anniversary was difficult … they were just in each other’s arms, inconsolable,” she said, adding that the university had provided a psychologist for the girls. “But by the end of the day, we were all holding hands and praying.”

Six advance to university

The girls — six of whom have moved from the NFS to the university to study subjects like law, medicine, and computer science — said they all wanted to go home to Chibok and help to rebuild their community once they had finished their education.

Yet their friends and families back home say that the way the girls talk and behave has changed, according to Glory.

“People are jealous of us, and ask us: ‘Why are you behaving like this? Are you not from Chibok background, and yet you are behaving like people who came back from America,’ ” she said. “We tell them that is why we are in school.”

Credit : VOA

Nigeria beat South Africa, to face Cameroon in AWCON final

Super Falcons are through to the final of the 2016 AWCON after beating South Africa 1 – 0 in their semi-final duel on Tuesday, November 29, 2016

– Nigeria will now face hosts Cameroon in the final which will be played on Saturday December 3, 2016

– Cameroon defeated Ghana 1 – 0 in first semi-final decided on Tuesday November, 29, 2016

Nigeria’s Super Falcons have qualified for the final of the 2016 African Women Cup of Nations going on in Cameroon after beating the Bayana Bayana of South Africa 1-0 in a feisty battle on Tuesday, November 29, 2016.

Super Falcons players in good mood
Petite striker Desire Oparanozie’s goal in the 53rd minute was all that condemned the Bayana Bayana of South Africa to a defeat.

The South Africans were determined and exemplified lots of resilience in the encounter and they would have gone ahead in the 20th minute, but they missed a glorious opportunity

Nigeria’s tournament leading goalscorer Asisat Oshoala was not given the chance to operate by the opponents as both sides went into the break goalless.

Falcons changed their pattern of play in the second half, and after eight minutes of play, Desire Oparanozie fired-in a thunderous shot from a freekick to sent the fans in to the heavens to claim the only goal of the match.

Nigeria will now face Cameroon in what will be a battle of supremacy in the final of the 2016 AWCON on Saturday, December 3, 2016.