Coming on the results of the just concluded United States Presidential Election which were announced on Monday, Nov 7, declaring Donald Trump as the winner, negative reactions has trailed Prophet TB Joshua over his prophecy were he stated that ‘a woman will win the US Presidential election’.

In a rather uncharacteristic reversal, the renowned Prophet today stated that the outcome of the election was a manifestation of the efficacy of prayers.
Prophet TB Joshua insisted that people who are conversant with the accuracy of his prophecies went into fervent prayers and begged God to reverse the prophecy to favor trump.
Further citing biblical reference where prayer altered a prophecy, Joshua likened Trump shock victory to the prophecy of Jonah to the people of Nineveh which said that God would destroy Nineveh within 40 days; but was eventually averted because the inhabitants of the city offered fervent prayers to God.
An email was read out to the congregation during the service where the author commended TB Joshua saying:
“Your word came and challenged us to pray.
“Thousands of people that heard my prophecy prayed to God, they fasted and prayed that God should change the prophecy.
That a prophecy is disclosed and it did not come to pass does not mean that it is not authentic.”
It was like the prophecy of Jonah when God told him that he would destroy the people of Nineveh. Thank you prophet, your word saved America, it was a warning, like the prophecy of Jonah when the people prayed, and God changed His mind.
Prophet, God hears your prayer. We prayed and fasted.”
Confirming the power of prayer in prophetic utterances, Joshua said,
“They know my antecedent that what I say always come to pass
As a result, they went to God in prayer. This is the power of prayer; it is not a crime to tell you. If you have doubt, look at the track record of the person that is talking. I said that the boat will be rocked, and there will be challenges. What else do you need? Let’s believe in the power of prayer.
He added: “We have seen the outcome of the election in America. You will notice that it is all about the popular vote, the vote of the majority of Americans. In this case, we need the spirit of a prophet to recognize or to know a prophet.
Our levels are different. We are not on the same level. We might have great cathedrals, huge bells and all kinds of activities that are good by human standards; but human point of view is limited.


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