UNDER THE KNIFE Tragic student, 23, dies on operating table as surgeons prepare lip enlargement surgery

Maria Delyukina had booked into the private clinic for a lip enlargement and to have her chin re-profiled.
A TRAGIC medical student died on a cosmetic surgeon’s operating table while she was being prepared for surgery to have her lips enlarged.

Maria Delyukina – who was already a qualified dentist but had returned to medical school – had booked into the private clinic in Volgograd, southern Russia, for lip enlargement and to have her chin re-profiled.

Maria Delyukina died on the operating table as a surgeon prepared her for lip enlargement surgeryx

Maria Delyukina – who was already a qualified dentist but had returned to medical school – had booked into the private clinic in Volgograd, southern Russia

The surgeon who was preparing to carry out the procedure said Maria died from an anapylaxis reaction

Tragic Maria was declared dead before she arrived at hospital
But as the 23-year-old was being anaesthetised for the procedure, she suddenly went into massive anaphylactic shock and began fitting uncontrollably.

Maria’s death was put down as an allergic reaction.

The cosmetic surgery team managed to stabilise her while they called paramedics but Maria was declared dead before she arrived at hospital.


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