QuiloxFight: 48 hours after, Oritsefemi fires shot at Shina Peller

Oristefemi was involved in a serious fight with bouncers of the popular nightclub in Victoria Island.

Oritsefemi and Shina Peller
The Friday night fight at Club Quilox between Oritsefemi and some bouncers of the nightclub is yet to be resolved.

The fight we learned began inside the nightclub when Oritsefemi was denied entry into the VIP section with his boys.

A statement released by his management and obtained by Thenetng reads:

‘On Friday November 11, 2016, at exactly 2 a.m. at Quilox Night Club. Oritsefemi was attacked by a bouncer just because he was trying to stand for an older colleague and a friend.’

‘Oritsefemi was at the VIP corner when he noticed Sound Sultan and Rock Steady were being bounced from entering the VIP section of the club. Oriste Femi, who was not happy with the bouncer’s behaviour, stood up to ask the bouncer why he was putting up such attitude to an A-list artiste and a brother, the bouncer replied that an order was placed down by Shina Peller, the CEO of the club, that no A-list artiste should be allowed into the VIP section, claiming the A-list artistes were not his costumers and they have no value at his club, just because of his rift with Davido.  

‘The bouncer told him to keep to his section or go join his colleague at the regular section. Femi [accepted] the offer to join his colleague at the regular section but was pushed back by the bouncer, before he could say Jack, the other bouncer was already rough handling him.’

‘Oriste Femi, who was holding a cup of wine, had to defend himself by slapping the bouncer with the wine cup, which gave the bouncer a scar on the face. Without waiting for explanation the other bouncers in the club came in and attacked Oristefemi and in the process, Oristefemi’s N8.5m worth of jewelry was stolen by the club bouncers.

‘Femi was injured and held down by the bouncers, claiming they were waiting for the arrival of Police. On the arrival of police, Femi and the bouncer were arrested and taken to the police station where the IPO in charge of the case ordered Femi to treat the injured bouncer which he did and even gave the bouncer extra cash for self-medication.

‘The IPO also ordered the bouncer and the Club management to provide Oristefemi’s jewelry, which he hasn’t received till now.’

At the time of this report, Quilox nightclub is yet to make any statement to confirm or deny the allegations.

Oritsefemi, who is now in Osun State to headline the Arewa Osun beauty pageant, took to Instagram to fire a subtle shot at the Quilox nightclub owner, Shina Peller with the post below.


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