Top 3 Nigerian celebrities you didn’t know are siblings

Nigerian celebrity siblings you didn’t know were related: While some are less known than their otherwise popular siblings. We may be used to seeing some of them individually, in their different fields, but no many know that these people in the limelight are actually siblings. Here are some celebrities you didn’t know were related:

1. Oluwatobiloba Daniel and Sophie Anidugbe.

Kiss Daniel and sister Sophie Being the more popular one, handsome singer Kiss Daniel caught our attention after dropping the song ‘WOJU’ which went on to become a monster hit. The musician who is fast consolidating his stand as a force to be reckoned with in the Nigerian music industry, has shown time and time again that he’s not in the industry to be a ‘one-hit-wonder’. What most people don’t know, is that Kiss Daniel’s elder sister is an On Air Personality (OAP) who works with Cool FM in Kano. The young lady who doesn’t bask in her brother’s spotlight seems to really enjoy doing her job.

2. Dakore Egbuson-Akande and Timini Egbuson

Dakore Akande and Tmini Egbuson Dakore is a popular Nollywood actress with several movies under her belt. The beautiful mother of two girls who sort of disappeared after getting married to her heartthrob Olumide, later resurfaced and has since gone back to her love, acting. Following in his big sister’s footsteps, handsome Timini Egbuson is also an actor in the popular series ‘Shuga’. The Unilag Psychology graduate has also done voice-overs and event hosting.

3. Mikel and Edgar Obi Mikel and Edgar:

Obi Mikel who plays professional football for both the Nigerian national team and English premier league side Chelsea FC, has enjoyed a measurable amount of success since the start of his career. The footballer has also amassed some fortune from doing what he loves and has helped change the situation of his family. His younger brother Edgar, even though thought to be living under his brother’s shadow, is trying to make a name for himself in his chosen field. Edgar who is signed to a record label floated by his elder brother Mikel, MMM records, is pursuing his love for music. Even though the upcoming musician has been away from the music scene for about 3 years after releasing a couple of singles and videos, he is said to have returned and is getting set to appear onto the Nigerian music scene with a ‘bang’.

If you want your relationship to last forever, you need these 4 things…

The couples I see every day ask the same questions: “How can we get through this? Is it possible to salvage what we once had? How can we make sure we don’t lose it again?” Although there’s not one magical answer (if only!), couples who do have successful relationships tend to share a few important qualities. If you can nurture these aspects with your partner, you’ll have a strong foundation for a long and happy union:

1. They try to honestly make up.

What happens after (or even during) a fight? Do you tend to dig in your heels until you “win,” or do you try to find a way to de-escalate the tension so you can get on the other side of it? If it’s the latter, good for you! Relationship expert John Gottman calls these efforts “repair attempts.” Not only are they crucial for any successful relationship, they’re also pretty simple, too. They might be a question or statement like “May I take that back?” or “Let me try again” or “I’m sorry I spoke so harshly.” Or an attempt can be a request, such as “Please be more gentle with me.” These simply work. When we approach our partner with kindness, even in the difficult moments, it relieves the tension and allows for a greater conversation to take place. By taking a second to step outside of the fight and connect in a real way, you instantly send a message that you truly care about the other person’s feelings. You aren’t just in the conversation waiting for your turn to reply. This act speaks volumes. Your ability to listen and respect your partner’s position, even if it’s different from yours, will help heal the rift.

2. They laugh, laugh, laugh. When relationships first begin, there’s a lot of fun, a lot of laughter, and a wonderful lightness as you get to know one another. As relationships deepen and the realities of life creep back in, much of that levity can get replaced with a resolutely non-fun level of seriousness. It’s not usually a conscious thing — it just sort of happens. But guess what? That’s almost a good thing because it means you can do something about it. By resolving to make time to enjoy each other, relax, and, yes, literally play, you’ll always have humor and laughter to fall back on. After all, if you’re still able to laugh at each other — and yourself — there’s almost no problem you can’t solve together.

3. They’re curious about each other.

It’s easy to be curious about each other when you first meet. You can ask each other questions for hours and never once feel bored. But as time passes, try to keep those questions coming — even if you know your spouse almost as well as you know yourself. Happy couples are genuinely interested in each other’s lives both as individuals and as a unit. Sure, being curious means asking your partner about her day and what she thought of that movie you just watched, but it also means asking the bigger questions now and then, too: How have things changed over the years? Do you want your — or our — life to be different? How can we continue to grow as a couple?What dream do you still hope to achieve? By keeping this particular door of communication open, you’re able to maintain another amazing feeling of early love: surprise.

4. They’re great friends..According to Gottman, friendship is at the core of any strong marriage. This deep level of intimacy — where you know the other person is always there for you—  is directly related to your ability to repair after a fight. When you don’t continue to nurture this part of your relationship, a distance can develop in the marriage. And, sometimes, people try to recapture that feeling of closeness with someone else. Thriving friendships are often based on seemingly tiny things — asking those daily questions, listening closely, a good, long hug after a tough day. The biggest challenge: Simply remembering to do them.

See the reactions of football stars after Donald Trump became President

Sport and politics go hand in hand these days, so it was no surprise to see a number of Premier League stars take to social media to voice their views over the election of Donald Trump as the 45th President of the United States. Needless to say, the reactions were not good ones.
Trump beat Hilary Clinton to the White House on Wednesday morning, with his victory being made official shortly before 08:00 with the 70-year-old delivering his first speech since being named President-elect. But while the world watched, a number of high-profile footballers took to Twitter to voice their concern, dismay and anger with the election of Trump, with Manchester City captain Vincent Kompany leading the charge. Wtf.. Let’s put all the idiots around the world in power and see what happens. Next gen reality TV. #SadWorld — Vincent Kompany (@VincentKompany) November 9, 2016 “Wtf.. Let’s put all the idiots around the world in power and see what happens. Next gen reality TV. #SadWorld,” Kompany said. Kompany’s views were echoed by another defender in Jan Vertonghen, with the Tottenham vice-captain admitting he “can’t believe” what was happening in the United States. Unsurprisingly, Vertonghen received a wave of responses from Trump supporters, “Can’t believe what I’m seeing. This is so embarrassing #ElectionNight,” Vertonghen wrote. “Would love to speak to someone who’s actually pro Trump to see what’s going on in their head but I just can’t find them…” Can’t believe what I’m seeing. This is so embarrassing #ElectionNight — Jan Vertonghen (@JanVertonghen) November 9, 2016 Would love to speak to someone who’s actually pro Trump to see what’s going on in their head but I just can’t find them… — Jan Vertonghen (@JanVertonghen) November 9, 2016 They were not the only ones from the footballing world to wade into the debate, as Twitter regular Joey Barton questioned how Trump had made it to President-elect. President Trump. Only in America… — Joseph Barton (@Joey7Barton) November 9, 2016 “President Trump. Only in America…” wrote Barton, adding a thinking emoji to drive home his point. Former Manchester United and England defender Phil Neville revealed himself to be an oracle, as he hinted that he always knew Trump was going to win the presidential election. I knew Trump would win — Philip Neville (@fizzer18) November 9, 2016 “I knew Trump would win,” Neville posted. And keeping it short and sweet was former England striker Gary Lineker, with the Match of the Day presenter posting an early-morning message before Trump’s victory was confirmed. We live in extraordinary times. — Gary Lineker (@GaryLineker) November 9, 2016 “We live in extraordinary times,” Lineker said, with polls suggesting that a Trump victory was on the cards. They were right.

Donald Trump snubs Buhari, calls other world leaders (See full list)

The US president-elect, Donald Trump, has snubbed President Muhammadu Buhari by calling 10 leaders of other countries within 24 hours of his victory without putting a call to Nigeria. Trump also sparked suggestions that he may side-line the United Kingdom in his policies after he called 9 world leaders before extending a call to the British Prime Minister Theresa May. More.. The decision to call the prime minister of Ireland ahead of Mrs May prompted questions about the health of the ‘special relationship’ between the UK and the US following Trump’s victory. But some fear the new president does not view the UK’s interests as a priority. See the list of world leaders Donald Trump has spoken to since he won the US presidential election.
1. President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi of Egypt
2. Prime Minister Enda Kenny of Ireland
3. President Enrique Peña Nieto of Mexico
4. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel
5. President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan of Turkey
6. Prime Minster Narendra Modi of India
7. Prime Minister Shinzō Abe of Japan
8. Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull of Australia
9. President Park Geun-hye of South Korea
10. And British prime minister Theresa May Recall that President Muhammadu Buhari was among world leaders who congratulated the Donald Trump on his victory at the polls. Buhari in a statement on Wednesday, November 9, also congratulated US citizens on the outcome of the election. Do you think Trump not calling Buhari posses a bad sign for Nigeria – America relations?

Female student takes a severe beating for supporting Donald Trump

The young ones are not having any of that Trump support.
A high school student was viciously attacked by another female from her school after she shared her support for Donald Trump on Instagram a night before election.
The shocking video, which was captured by another student, shows the moment the violent girl bullies her victim into admitting she’d indeed supported Trump, before dealing her several blows that knocked her to the ground.
The presence of a large crowd did not stop the young bully as she hit her defenseless target over and over, with a few trying to help, while others did nothing.
‘This girl came up to me and said ‘do you hate Mexicans?’ I said no and she said ‘you support Trump, you hate Mexicans,” Jade told ABC.

Meet the 2 Nigerians richer than Donald Trump

Donald Trump is the 156th richest man in America and 324th richest person in the world with a net worth of $3.7b.

The 70-year-old entrepreneur and TV personality was elected President on November 8, 2016, defeating Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton, and will take office January 20, 2017.

These are the two Nigerians richer than the new U.S. President-elect:

1. Aliko Dangote

Dangote wants to make Nigeria a proud country again with a rather ambitious project; a mega refinery. The expansive refinery reportedly costs $9b and will be among the world’s largest when completed, with an estimated 650,000 barrels of crude oil being refined there per day. Credit: Various
Net worth: $11.9b

Source of wealth: Cement, Sugar, and Flour

Africa and Nigeria’s richest man, Aliko Dangote founded and chairs Dangote Cement, the continent’s largest cement producer.

2. Mike Adenuga

Adenuga’s Globacom is the second largest telco in Nigeria. Credit: Various
Net worth: $6.6b

Source of wealth: Telecom and Oil

Mike Adenuga’s mobile phone network, Globacom, is the second largest operator in Nigeria with 32 million subscribers; it also has operations in Ghana and the Republic of Benin.

QuiloxFight: 48 hours after, Oritsefemi fires shot at Shina Peller

Oristefemi was involved in a serious fight with bouncers of the popular nightclub in Victoria Island.

Oritsefemi and Shina Peller
The Friday night fight at Club Quilox between Oritsefemi and some bouncers of the nightclub is yet to be resolved.

The fight we learned began inside the nightclub when Oritsefemi was denied entry into the VIP section with his boys.

A statement released by his management and obtained by Thenetng reads:

‘On Friday November 11, 2016, at exactly 2 a.m. at Quilox Night Club. Oritsefemi was attacked by a bouncer just because he was trying to stand for an older colleague and a friend.’

‘Oritsefemi was at the VIP corner when he noticed Sound Sultan and Rock Steady were being bounced from entering the VIP section of the club. Oriste Femi, who was not happy with the bouncer’s behaviour, stood up to ask the bouncer why he was putting up such attitude to an A-list artiste and a brother, the bouncer replied that an order was placed down by Shina Peller, the CEO of the club, that no A-list artiste should be allowed into the VIP section, claiming the A-list artistes were not his costumers and they have no value at his club, just because of his rift with Davido.  

‘The bouncer told him to keep to his section or go join his colleague at the regular section. Femi [accepted] the offer to join his colleague at the regular section but was pushed back by the bouncer, before he could say Jack, the other bouncer was already rough handling him.’

‘Oriste Femi, who was holding a cup of wine, had to defend himself by slapping the bouncer with the wine cup, which gave the bouncer a scar on the face. Without waiting for explanation the other bouncers in the club came in and attacked Oristefemi and in the process, Oristefemi’s N8.5m worth of jewelry was stolen by the club bouncers.

‘Femi was injured and held down by the bouncers, claiming they were waiting for the arrival of Police. On the arrival of police, Femi and the bouncer were arrested and taken to the police station where the IPO in charge of the case ordered Femi to treat the injured bouncer which he did and even gave the bouncer extra cash for self-medication.

‘The IPO also ordered the bouncer and the Club management to provide Oristefemi’s jewelry, which he hasn’t received till now.’

At the time of this report, Quilox nightclub is yet to make any statement to confirm or deny the allegations.

Oritsefemi, who is now in Osun State to headline the Arewa Osun beauty pageant, took to Instagram to fire a subtle shot at the Quilox nightclub owner, Shina Peller with the post below.



Born Malcolm Little (May 19, 1921-February 25, 1965) was an African-American Muslim Minister and Human Right activist. He was a courageous advocate for the Blacks, he indicted White America in the harshest terms for its crimes against Black Americans. With all the threats he was relentless and full of courage to continue fighting for the rights of Black Americans. He adopted the surname “X” because “Little” was a slave name. “X” standing for the lost surname (Mathematics student will understand this). He became a Sunni Muslim and changed his name to el-Hajj Malik el-Shabazz. He was assassinated by 3 men belonging to an Islamic organisation he belonged to called the Nation of Islam.
He has been called one of the greatest and most influential Black Americans in history
He’s Moavers Icon of the Day.

This is Malcolm
Malcolm is a Human Right Activist.
Malcolm is courageous.
Be like Malcolm.