TAKE A STEP “Do one thing that scares you everyday, what Is meant to be will always find a way and know matter how long you fail doesn’t mean you can find a way to get back up and when you do, know one will remember the pain you went through but will focus on the success..In life it’s just like the case of a butterfly *We all delight in the beauty of the Butterfly, but rarely admit the it changes it has gone through to achieve that beauty*..Fight hard to make sure you achieve that which you want..You will need Courage because know one says it will be easy *Pain is temporarily but Quitting is Forever*..make the right choice”

WHAT IS LIFE?THE MEANING OF LIFE IS NOT MATERIALISM Many lives are expended almost entirely devoted to the pursuit of increasing material wealth, or the pursuit of enjoying as many material experiences as possible, either simply because the individual has no greater life purpose, or because it is hoped that through these temporary means he may attain lasting contentment, freedom from difficulty, and ultimately – happiness. But however much man may strive to attain peace of heart and happiness through the accumulation of material possessions, or material experiences, he will find that this lasting contentment he seeks will continually elude him, and that at best, even with extraordinary wealth and material opportunity he will not be able to attain the ease and peace of mind of a house cat, or a cow that grazes on the hillside, carefree, and contented.


Things a girl does when she likes you:* You catch her staring at you often. Does she steal glances at you now and then? And every time you look at her, does she blush and look away? If a girl can’t stop staring at you, especially when you’re busy or occupied with something else, it’s a good sign to show that she has something romantic in mind when it comes to your thoughts. You bump into her often. And somehow, she doesn’t seem surprised to see you. If you don’t know this girl or haven’t been introduced to her, and you still see her out of the blue in places where you like hanging out, she may want to catch your eyes.. Her friends seem excited. She seems nervous. One of the easiest ways to find out if a girl likes you is by watching her behavior when she’s with her friends. Do you see her friends nudging her while she blushes and discreetly looks at you now and then? Well, if her friends stare hard at you and laugh, and if she coyly catches your eye, there’s definitely a crush in the air. She thinks you’re a great guy. When you have a conversation with this girl, does she constantly remind you about how sweet a guy you are? Being labeled a sweet guy isn’t always a compliment. But if she ever does say any girl would be lucky to have you, then that surely is a compliment! She looks for excuses to touch you. Some girls are just touchy feely all the time. But almost all the girls aren’t. Does a girl look for excuses to touch you or hold your hand? If you notice this behavior of hers only around you and not any other guy, she probably does have feelings for you



Facts about kissing* – All the making out facts you were afraid to ask. Making out. Puckering up. Smooching. Snogging. Lip-locking, and all..kissing is one of sweet part of falling in love…Things u don’t know about kissing : Kazushige Touhara and colleagues at the University of Tokyo believe that our affinity for kisses descends from an ancient rat. Mice and men have a surprisingly similar genetic makeup — sharing a common ancestor that lived sometime between 75 and 125 million years ago. This ancient rat-like creature went by the name of Eomaia scansoria (Eomaia, Greek for “ancient mother,” and scansoria, Latin for “climber”). The science team theorizes that this creature would rub noses with a mate to sample his or her pheromones and signal desire. So, basically, human kissing is really rodent behavior. Who knew? On July 16, 1439, King Henry VI banned kissing in England. (I know, seriously, what a buzzkill.) His reasoning? It was to curtail the spread of disease in the kingdom. Duly note that his mental breakdown around 1453 required his wife, Margaret of Anjou, to assume control of his kingdom. (So that’s the level of crazy we were dealing with at this time.) This went on to spur a lot of other weird smooching bans all over the world. Later in 16th-Century Naples, not only was kissing in public banned, but it was punishable by death as well. Titanic. Casablanca. Gone With The Wind. Spiderman. Some of the greatest kisses in Hollywood history almost never happened. Why? Back in 1930, a set of censorship regulations called The Hays Code prohibited acting couples from kissing in a horizontal position (as in, lying down). Also, married couples had to sleep in twin beds on screen and, if kissing action did happen on beds, one actor had to have their foot on the ground. Oh yeah, and they couldn’t kiss for longer than three seconds. Not exactly the picture of romance, right? Well, directors had a way around this. While filming the 1946 film Notorious, Alfred Hitchcock had Ingrid Bergman and Cary Grant repeatedly kiss, briefly disrupted by dialogue and movement. It’s now considered one of the sexiest movie scenes of the time. Luckily, this pain of a ban dropped in the late 1960s. Just in case you were so into kissing that you wanted to make a career out of it, the study of kissing is better known as philematology. And, someone who studies kissing wears the title of osculologist. According to the Guinness World Records, the record for the longest-lasting kiss goes to Ekkachai and Laksana Tiranarat of Thailand. These champion smoochers locked lips for 58 hours, 35 minutes, and 58 seconds. (No word on if they got bathroom breaks, but we’re thinking that would have been a mood-killer.) Making out with your partner is just what the doctor prescribed. Kissing burns calories (specifically, about two to three per minute), strengthens your immune system, relieves aches and pains, and prevents cavities! I mean, who knew how healthy swapping spit could be? #Moavers


SHE Looks Into Your Eyes When You Talk This sign is all about the body language. If she looks into your eyes when you talk, you know she is paying full attention to you. Obviously, this is not always practical for every conversation, especially if you are driving somewhere. However, whenever you really want to have a heart to heart discussion, she gives you her full attention, by turning her body towards you, and watching the expression on your face. This is a sign she wants to know what you are really thinking.SHE Wants To Know About You If your girlfriend asks about your past, your dreams, your desires (not just sexual), your wants, your needs, how you feel inspired, what you love, or anything about you that relates to your thoughts intimately as an individual, you can be very sure that she wants what is best for you. This is a very good indication she loves you. SHE Gives You Cuddles and Caresses While touch is more important to some people than others, casual touches that are not necessarily sexual in nature are definitely signs she is letting you know that she loves you. If she wants to hold your hand when you walk anywhere together, you can be sure she is saying with her body language that she wants to be with you. SHE Can Comfort You When You Have a Bad Day This is one of the most important indicators of a relationship that will stand the test of time. If you feel you can automatically turn to her when ‘times are tuff’, and she is able to give you comfort and help you to feel better, not worse, you have a gal who really loves you. If she gets uncomfortable when you are upset, or doesn’t know what will comfort you, she is not really putting you first in the relationship. If she at least tries to comfort you, there is hope for the future. SHE Gives You the Best Presents Presents do not have to be expensive to be heartfelt. A present can be as simple as an email, a homemade card, or a wildflower picked from the roadside. The essence of this sign is that whenever she does give you a present, whether it is for a special event such as a birthday, or if it is just an off the cuff small gift, it is a gift that means something to you personally. She shows she cares about you by the depth of thought that goes into what you will like and she delights in giving you gifts that you just love. Gotta take time to appreciate those! …

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African customs and traditions: There are said to be as many as one hundred “uncontacted tribes” still living in some of the most isolated regions of the world. It is interesting to note that in the civilized society we supposedly live in today, some of these tribes practice certain traditions that will leave shock the world. Here are seven tribes from across Africa with mouth dropping customs. Massai Tribe of Kenya: A Massai man drinking blood The Massai tribe is found in Kenya and Tanzania and two of their customs make them enter this list of strange African tribes. The first is their greeting, member of the tribes spit as a way of saying hello. While the English man would say hello, a Yoruba man prostrate, spitting is a way of greeting. Aside playing the role of greeting, when a baby is born, it is the custom of the men to spit on the newborn and refer to him as bad, they believe this would protect the baby from evil spirits. It is the belief of the people that if a baby is praised, then it is cursed. Maasai warriors also spit in their hands before shaking the hand of an elder. Furthermore, the Massai tribe is also famous for its drinking of fresh animal blood. Hamer Tribe of Ethiopia: A young boy taking part in the bull jumping tradition In the Ethiopian Hamer tribe, young boys are made to prove their manhood by running, jumping and landing on the back of a bull, before then attempting to run across the backs of several bulls and this is usually done in the nude. Interesting to note is that before this ritual takes place, female friends of the boy to undergo the test cover their whole body, head and hair with red ochre mix with fats. They then have to dance and get whipped by elders until they have scars and wounds on their body. This is to show their loyalty to their friend.Banyankole Tribe Of Uganda ankole marriage In the Banyankole tribe, a minority tribe living in Uganda, marriage means quite a burden to the bride’s aunt. When a couple wants to get married, the aunt has to have sex with the groom as a “potency test” and furthermore, she has to test the bride’s virginity.Some traditions assert that the husband would first have sex with the aunt before proceeding to have it with the bride. Another piece of tradition says that the duty of the aunt was to prove the potency of the bridegroom by just watching or listening to the sexual intercourse between the bridegroom and her niece.Surma Tribe of Sudan and Ethiopia: A Surma girl wearing a lip plate The people of Surma tribe are found southern Sudan as well as southwestern Ethiopia. One thing one finds fascinating about them is their interesting physical features. During teenage years, females undergo the lip stretching procedure which involves removing their lower teeth to accommodate a lip plate; the lip plate is increased in size yearly until it is an astounding size. Not to be outdone, some of the men do this similar exercise with their ears while the elongated lip plate gives them a fierce strange and frightening look. They also indoctrinate their warriors known as ‘stick fighters’ by inflicting scars on them, the belief is that the more scars they have, the more attractive they are to female members of the tribe. Fulani People of Nigeria: A typical Sharo beating The Fulani traditional marriage is done in either three or two stages depending on the tribe’s requirement and preferences. There is the flogging called Sharo, Koowgal a dowry payment and Kabbal. The Kabbal is an Islamic ceremony akin to marriage ceremony but without the attendance of bride or groom. The bizarre tradition here is the Sharo which means young men ready to start a family have to prove their manhood by being whipped by older members of the tribe to earn their respect as well as get a wife. If the man is unable to bear the pain, the wedding is called off and it is disturbing to note that many young boys die during this ritual perhaps accounting for why the Sharo isn’t compulsory or recognized in certain tribes.


Anxiety – We talk about the struggle, but what about the good parts? I have anxiety. To be specific, I have a generalized anxiety disorder (GAD). In the words of Lady Gaga, I do in fact believe I was born this way. One of the best things about blogging and the internet these days is that it’s increasingly common to see writers sharing their struggles with anxiety. One of the keys to accepting yourself as you are with anxiety is realizing how totally NOT alone you are. The world is full of anxious people just like you and me, and they are awesome, smart, not-crazy shining stars with a worldview all their own, and a voice that needs to be heard. Unfortunately, I sometimes think that in talking about the struggles of anxiety, we forget to talk about the parts of it that are actually good — because there are very big benefits to being anxious. Here’s my list of ways anxiety makes me a better person. Writing this list was actually good reminder of how every day is a new opportunity to reconnect with every aspect of yourself, good, bad, and in-between. And that’s something those of us with anxiety could really use more of. 1. I’m never late If you have anxiety, being on time can be an issue. For some folks it takes years to leave the house (do I have my keys? Phone? Shoes? Pet squirrel named Timothy?), for others like me, being late is unthinkable. I’m one of those obnoxious “early is on time, on time is late” people. I used to beat myself up about rushing to get places and worrying about being the weirdo who got there first. Now I accept my earliness as part of who I am. I don’t rush, I have a schedule, and if I get somewhere early it gives me time to look around and savor the moment, something that’s really hard for people with an anxiety disorder. Understand that it wasn’t always this way. There are days when my stomach is one giant knot and I want to cancel all my plans and hide. But life is long and funny and if you love being alive and you love people, you find ways of being that go beyond “coping” and turn into “living happily.” For me, therapy and medication has been key. I’m patient with the people around me If I didn’t have anxiety I wouldn’t be as nice as I am. I swear this is true. Inside me lurking somewhere is a girl who gets frustrated when someone takes too long to decide what they want to order at a restaurant, a girl who wants to scream when business meetings drag on for no real reason, a girl who would love to lash out at people who seem petty or small minded. Don’t get me wrong, sometimes I do, but most of the time my experiences with anxiety have taught me that no one is entirely who you think they are. You can be a great judge of character and an understanding person and never ever understand the things they are struggling with daily. On Monday after work I was supposed to meet my boyfriend for dinner. My anxiety was in overdrive and I found myself unable to pick out new clothes, to put on makeup, or brush my hair. When I finally did and managed to leave the house it felt like such a major victory. Looking at me you’d never have known that twenty minutes earlier I was sobbing on my floor. This impacts the way I interact with people now every day. I like to think it’s made me a better human being and has allowed me to make connections with people I wouldn’t have been able to do otherwise.


I took off my underwear, then I: A true life story, written by a college girl before she gave up the Ghost. I took off my underwear.. I used to be that innocent girl who had the world at her feet. I was beautiful and I had eyes and HIPS that could make men sway, and to top it all up, I was a Christian, a very good Christian with a heart burning for God.When I entered the university, I met a guy, his name was DERRICK. I couldn’t believe my luck the first time I bumped into him on my way to class, he had such a kind smile and a tender look that weakened my knees when he spoke. Because I was late for class we couldn’t talk much but barely three weeks later, I met him at the fresher’s night party and I was overwhelmed. We got talking and I found out that he was in his second year and from that night, we became an inseparable pair. At first, we were friends and as months passed by, we got closer and closer and the chemistry between us was undeniable. About a year after I entered the university, Derrick and I started dating. He was everything a girl could ever want and desire save the fact that he wasn’t so much of a Christian. Derrick had magical hands that made him hard to resist and most times I fell for it.At first, I felt bad but when I couldn’t help falling into the same pit I killed the guilt on my inside. And then one day, one of my friends said I was getting fatter and that got me thinking and in the process I began to link the dots…first I had a vomiting spree every morning which I thought was due to a flu and then I had this morning sickness which I felt was due to stress and then my missing period…oh no it can’t be possible I said to myself, I couldn’t be pregnant!!! After a series of test outside school, I realized the deadliest truth, I was indeed pregnant. I was only nineteen, I still had a whole life ahead of me, what was I going to do. I couldn’t tell my parents, they wouldn’t hear of it. Ihad to go to Derrick to tell him what I had found out. On telling him, I saw him fly into a temper I had never seen in my life. He was so hysterical, calling me all sorts of names and I didn’t even know when I started crying heart drenching tears of hurt and betrayal. When he looked into my eyes he must have realized how scared and hurt I was and so he pulled me close and ran his hands through my hair until I had calmed down and then he said to me in the most subtle voice ever ”why don’t you have an abortion”.I pulled back instantly, I couldn’t have an abortion! But when he talked about my parents and the sanctioning of the school and the fellowship which I belonged to, I knew I had no other choice. Derrick had made all the arrangements and so on the supposed day we went to the room- like clinic. I shivered all through my way there but Derrick kept telling me that it would be okay and that he was proud that I made such a brave decision. When I entered into the room where the abortion was supposed to take place I laid down on the table trying to dissociate my mind from what I was about to do and then a young man told me sternly, ” you know I can’t perform this procedure with your UNDE RWEAR on” and then I began to pull it off. As I did this a sense of guilt overwhelmed me, first I had pulled off my UNDERWEAR for pleasure and now I was pulling it off to get rid of the stigma the pleasure had brought what a shame, I felt so exposed. All through the times that I felt instruments coming in and out of me, I kept thinking of the lady I had become and the hypocrite I had transformed into. I let out a sigh, only if I can get through this I muttered… only if…and then I felt a sharp pain pierce through the whole of my body, I screamed but then the doctor told me to be quiet. I felt another pain but this time I bit my lip and then the pain began to come in successions. I instinctively knew that something was wrong but I was too weak totally or to move and then I heard the voices of Derrick and the doctor talking about the fact that I was bleeding excessively. The pain was so unbearable and I could feel myself getting weaker and weaker. With the last strength in me, I pleaded with God”Oh Lord I’m so sorry for taking my under wears off, please forgive me.” and I drifted into a world where the pain seemed less hurtful and the voices seemed more distant. Friends, our bodies are the temple of the Lord. Do not take off your UNDE RWEAR when the time is not right. Lots of girls who gained admission into the university as virgins eventually lost it so cheaply to guys who have nothing to do with their destinies. In a bid to get a certificate, they sold out a destiny that certificate cannot guarantee….

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Facts about the Titanic – On Sunday, April 14, 1912, the Titanic hit an iceberg. After the release of the 1997 movie, Titanic, almost all of mankind knew this bit of information. These are some little known facts that may or may not have been in the film. When the Titanic was built, there were other ships, but it was the largest one in existence. While most companies were building their boats for speed, the owners of the Titanic wanted to build their ships for luxury.
When the ship was being built, the days of delivery by semi-trucks were non-existent, so it took twenty horses to deliver the anchor that belonged to Titanic. There were over 14,000 men who worked on the ship, and all of them worked almost a 50-hour workweek to complete the assignment. They also made an average of £2 a week; which is the equivalent of $2.83 in American money. The workers were expected to work Monday through Saturday, starting at six o’clock in the morning. 13. The Titanic Was a Lot Smaller Than Most Modern Cruise Ships Royal Caribbean International is known for having the largest ship in the world, and it is called The Allure of the Seas. The Allure was built in 2008, but was not launched until November, 2009. The size difference between the current biggest boat on the planet and the Titanic is massive. The Allure can hold up to almost 6300 people, while the Titanic was only able to hold 2,435 at the time of its launch. Almost all of the features of the Allure are around twice as big as the Titanic, including the length, the weight, and even the crew amount on board is almost threefold of the ship that was sunk nearly a decade ago. Even though the Titanic was a lot smaller than most ships today, it was still quite hefty; it was 882 feet long.
Where Were All of the Lifeboats? When the Titanic was first designed, it was made to carry 64 lifeboats, which would have been more than enough to save all of the crew and passengers on board if anything were to happen. After the building of the large ship, it was made with 64 supports, so surely the people who initially designed it knew what they were doing. Unfortunately, only half of the lifeboats made it onto the ship. It was said that people did not like the way the boats took up room on the outside of the boat and only 20 boats were put into place. These boats were not even filled completely once the Titanic sank, leaving practically all of the men to drown, since “women and children first” was the rule when boarding the lifeboats.The Titanic Polluted the Ocean Every Day The amount of pollution that the cruise ships emit into the water and atmosphere are unbelievably high, and the Titanic was no exception. There were 29 boilers that were triple-furnace and burned coal to give electricity to the Titanic, and to make it move. 825 tons of coal was used per day, and almost 100 tons of the ashes from the coal were emptied into the water every day that the ship was in route.The Interior Ripped off the Ritz No, the Titanic didn’t actually rip off the design of the Ritz Hotel in London, but the designers were inspired by it. The five-star hotel was one of the fanciest places to stay in London during the building of the Titanic, and it is still quite a fine place to stay if ever in the area. The lavish cruise ship had facilities on board that were “fit for a king;” including a kennel for the first-class passengers’ canines and a fitness facility, so that people wouldn’t miss a day of their workout.
People Died While Building the Massive Piece of Machinery It took over two years to build the Titanic; 26 months to be exact. During that time, eight men who were construction workers died while putting it together and 246 injuries were reported, as well. The very first person to have passed on while building the giant vessel was Samuel Scott, a teenager of only fifteen at the time. He died from a skull fracture after diving off of the large ship, even though the exact reasons are unknown. He was finally given a headstone in Belfast City Cemetery nearly 100 years after his death.
The Movie Cost More to Make than the Ship, Itself The Titanic sunk on April 15, 1912, and it had cost nearly seven and a half million dollars to build. If you’re thinking of the actual amount due to inflation, it would actually be around $166 million in current currency. In 1997, the most popular movie that was made regarding the Titanic (ironically named,Titanic) was $200,000,000, so, basically, the making and filming of the movie was more expensive than the cost of building the boat.
Titanic Had Sisters The RMS Titanic was part of a trio of sister ships, the White Star Liners. The other two ships were the RMS Olympic and the HMHS Brittanic. Olympic was the first of the three ships to launch, and set sail on June 14, 1911 to New York. In September of the same year, Olympic collided with a cruiser, and had to be repaired. After the sinking of the Titanic, the government issued more safety features to be more prevalent on cruise ships. The other sister ship, Britannic, hit a mine on November 21, 1916 and it sank, regardless of all safety procedures that were added on to it.
The Bottle Never Broke A lot of people believe that Christening is a way to bring something special into this world. People, for instance, are Christened when they belong to the Catholic religion. The same goes for ships, and they have been doing so for over five thousand years. The sister ships did not believe in the ceremonial of the ships, and they had only done so for the Titanic. The problem was that the champagne bottle that was used did not break when it was struck (which is what is supposed to happen). A lot of people believe that the non-initiation of all three sister ships were to blame for the bad lu[truncated by WhatsApp]





Make yourself happy: Happiness is not a goal, but a state of being. People forget that though its true that you feel happiness when you reach your goals, DAILY happiness is an experience. Achieving your dreams does give happiness, but does not replace sadness. In fact, I would say that feeling happiness while reaching for your dreams is one of the most important keys in reaching your goals in the first place. So if happiness begets more happiness AND success, how will someone get there if they don’t feel very happy right now? Luckily, there is a simple answer to this. All people would need to do, is give up on certain negative things that drag them down. There is a lot of baggage that people carry around and that prevents the experience of joy. Think of these things as blockages to the well of happiness that exists within everyone. People can and have succeeded in their attempt to remove these harmful things from their lives. And everyone can do it. As long as he or she knows what baggage to give up, he will surely rediscover the happiness he always had. To help out, I list here 10 common things to give up to be happy: 1. Give Up Jealousy Some people think that comparing themselves to others is good. It could be, if the purpose of is to compete. To give oneself a goal to aspire to. But it starts being harmful when the achievements of others bring about envious feelings. Give this up, and you’ll have more time focusing on what you could achieve instead of what others achieve.Give up the Fear of Change Most of the time, even if the current situation is like hell, a lot of people just refuse to budge. They know that they aren’t comfortable where they are. It’s just that they fear new things more! Shedding this feeling from their lives would open up new worlds for them to discover. Being able to decide to change and facing it head on is the most exhilarating feeling someone could experience. Giving up Control Though many people want the power to control how their lives (and perhaps the lives of others) play out, not everything can be controlled. Sometimes, no matter how hard they try, not everything turns out the way they wanted it to. However, once people start recognizing that certain things and events are just really beyond their control, they can start to be more accepting of what life gives them. Give up Overwork Time Professional achievement drives a lot of businessmen and entrepreneurs to work long hours. I know it’s to achieve our dreams, but we need some balance in their lives in order to be happy. Achieving worthy goals is good, giving some time to other important parts of life (family, friends, hobbies) is better. Give up Blaming Sometimes, things go wrong. Whether its in the job or some other area of life, people feel the need to give blame to something or someone when this happens. It’s like a coping mechanism: people just don’t want to feel responsible for anything bad that happens. By giving this up, people can instead focus on finding solutions and getting out of a bad situation. Give up Complaining Constantly complaining people not only ruin their own happiness, but the happiness of others too. The one thing that people could surely control is their reaction to unhappy events. One of the best things people could do is to stop their complaining and start looking at problems in a new light. Give up the Need to Be Right All the Time No one is possessed with the power to know everything there is to know. So why do some people insist that they are right all the time? Even if they were, would it have been worth it to argue with others because of it? Sometimes its just better to put the relationships you have over being right.Give up Limiting Beliefs Still some others feel that they just can’t achieve their dreams, or even some form of it. The feeling of lack, the belief that their ability is limited, is one of the BIGGEST obstacles to happiness. By giving this up, the world will start revealing unlimited possibilities. Give up Bad Friends People are easily influenced by their peers. Humans are such social creatures that we adopt the habits and values of the people around us. Bad friends who influence people to be less than what they could be will prevent them from experiencing the happiness they deserve. Instead, people should surround themselves with others who inspire them and drive them to live their lives to the fullest. Give up the Past Admittedly, the past is filled with experiences, good and bad. But these experiences are meant to build people up. The past should not be a recording of regrets that people look back to most of the time. The past should be a source of wisdom, to push people to become their better selves and continue to live the happy