How to Find Your Passions

The better approach to finding your passions is actually fairly simple:

Try a lot of different things See what you enjoy The biggest obstacle to overcome is a narrow vision of what you can do. If I wasn’t passionately interested in anything, I’d try to cast a wide net to look at dozens of different activities. Staying safe and familiar is the reason I’m bored, so now is the time to experiment.

Dabbling is key to the art of finding what drives you. Dabbling means committing to something for 3-6 months. This amount of time isn’t enough to become really good at anything. But it is enough time to get over the sharp learning curve in the beginning.

I didn’t enjoy programming for the first few months I worked on it. I didn’t know enough, and it was too frustrating to continue. But once I got over the frustration barrier, I found that programming is an activity I really enjoy.

If you don’t have any project that makes you want to wake up early and sacrifice leisure for, you should start dabbling. Find new activities completely outside your comfort zone you can do for a few hours a week, and commit for at least two months.*”Always know that there is difference between what you do and who you are…Your profession might not be the kind of person you are, might be what you love doing but you do it, That’s what you do….But despite the fact you have your profession there will be that one thing that makes you happy, you don’t need to be forced to that which you love, might be singing, Acting, Writing or anything, That’s who you are…Don’t mistake the two…Know who you are and never mistake it for what you do…when you have found out what you love doing but in the present situation you can’t do that which you love,don’t give up on your dreams because that’s what keeps you going ”


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